Gjusta cafe A very easy ride to a Venice staple - and a way for the ride leader to rehab his knee after recent injury 27.9 mi, 468 ft, Gjusta Venice - Ride Leader : Mario
Pace : L3 this week Ride start is 9am, at the plaza just south of Captain Kidd's The Tuesday ride varies by design. If you want novelty, this is your ride. Routes vary between ~35-55 miles, 1000-3000 feet of climbing. When we go to an eating place, expect a "digestion pace" on the return. We often go to places that would otherwise be too crowded on a weekend (eg, Hollywood Sign, Inspiration Point, Porto's, etc). We are usually done by 1-2pm, and a coffee or meal stop is customary (usually at the end; sometimes that's the destination).
"Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay" is a 501(c)7 non-profit mutual benefit organization.