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Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay

Club Moto

Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay, is a social and recreational road bike club whose motto is ‘fun, fitness, and friendship,’ with a focus on safe group riding.

Rides for Everyone 

We offer multiple group rides at four different riding levels (Ride Level Descriptions) seven days a week. Each ride is led by an experienced Ride Leader, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. Our club bike route library has over 400 different rides and our “No Drop” policy means we ride together and regroup often—no one gets left behind! 

Member Statistics

Our 250+ members range in age from 23 to 83 across all riding levels and abilities, with 30% female and 70% male. A typical riding group comprises 10 to 15 riders of similar riding ability. Some members are trying to get back into shape and maybe lose a few pounds, while others are preparing for their next triathlon. The club encompasses a wide range of riders and riding abilities and is very welcoming to new riders.

Group Support 

At Beach Cities Cycling Club, we're more than just a group of riders-we're a team. If you encounter a flat tire or any other mechanical issue, the Ride Leader and your fellow club members will be there to support you. You can ride confidently, knowing you're not alone. Our strong support system ensures that every member feels secure and cared for, enhancing the overall riding experience.  While on a club ride, all members are covered by one million dollars of general liability Insurance and ten thousand dollars of secondary medical insurance.

Social Events

We will also organize occasional social events (Post-ride lunch, Happy Hours, Annual Holiday Party, etc.), which will be opportunities to get to know each other off the road (more often in our civilian clothes).

Weekly Newsletter

Every week we e-mail a club newsletter with general announcements, photos of past events, and a list of upcoming rides, workshops, and social events. It is a great way to keep up with what is happening with BCCCSB.

Flexible Riding Schedule 

Please see our monthly Ride/Events Calendar for a list of the different rides we offer at the four different Riding Levels, to find the ride that best suits your riding style and riding abilities. You don’t need to sign up or register in advance for any of our rides.  Once you're a member, show up at least 10 minutes before the ride starts to introduce yourself as a new member to the Ride Leader and others in your riding group.  All of us will try to ensure you have a good ride, feel welcome, and know the club riding norms (e.g., group riding etiquette, hand signals, vocal communication, etc.). 

For more information, please see our webpage’s “Join Us" tab or contact us at Info@BCCCSB.ORG.

Gary Parsons


Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay


"Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay" is a 501(c)7 non-profit mutual benefit organization.

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