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Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay

Thursday Gravel: Mandeville and Canyonback

  • 2024-01-25
  • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Manhattan Beach Pier, 2 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Weather Notice:   If we get heavy rain in the days leading up to Thursday, or if any rain is predicted on Thursday, the ride will be cancelled.  I will send an email by Wednesday evening if it is cancelled.

Ride Leader: Bob Kellogg

Start time: 8:30 AM

Start location: Start location: Manhattan Beach Pier (In front of Life Guard Station)

Total miles: 49 miles

Total elevation: 3,400 ft

Destination: Westridge, Mandeville Fire Road to the Nike Station

Ride Level: L3+, L2

Ride with GPS map: Mandeville and Canyonback

Description: Starting from MB Pier at 8:30, we head up the coast, then up San Vicente to Mandeville and Westridge.  The top of Westridge is steep but paved.  We'll take the Mandeville Fire Road to the Nike Station, then head down into Mandeville Canyon and back up to the Canyonback Trail.  Canyonback ends at the top of Kenter, then it's paved roads back home.  These trails are pretty beginner-friendly, with the exception of some steep descents and climbs getting in and out of Mandeville Canyon.  Walking is always an option if the grade is too much.  A gravel or mountain bike will work just fine.  You can start in Santa Monica if you want to cut out some of the road portion.

"Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay" is a 501(c)7 non-profit mutual benefit organization.

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