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Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay

Tuesday Explorer - Mandeville

  • 2022-04-19
  • 9:00 AM
  • Captain Kidd's, 209N Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Classic Mandeville Canyon up and back.

50.8 mi, 1814 ft, Mandeville Canyon - Ride Leader : Mario   

Pace : L2
Ride start is 9am, at the plaza just south of Captain Kidd's
The Tuesday ride varies by design. If you want novelty, this is your ride. Routes vary between ~35-55 miles, 1000-3000 feet of climbing, typically in the middle third of the distance range (41-49 miles). If we go to an eating place, expect a "digestion pace" on the return.

Often there is a destination (a vista point, climb, point of interest, etc). We often go to places that would be crowded on a weekend (eg, Hollywood Sign, Inspiration Point, Porto's, etc). We are usually done by 1-2pm, and a coffee or meal stop is customary (usually at the end; sometimes that's the destination).

"Beach Cities Cycling Club, South Bay" is a 501(c)7 non-profit mutual benefit organization.

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